How Not To Compete in a Digital World
February 2, 2011
As a former professional photographer I was sad to hear that my local photo shop, was going to close – so I decided to stop by and see what was up. The manager insisted that they were not going out of business, – just looking for a smaller location. There have been published reports of the imminent demise but I figured I’d play along with his story if they hadn’t made a formal announcement.
But I couldn’t help thinking the store was textbook example of how not to compete in a digitally based, internet-centered world. I’ve patronized the store for many years. They processed my film ‘in the old days’ and when I had questions about what digital camera to buy, that’s where I got advice. And to pay them back for the service I bought three cameras from them – even though I knew I could get them cheaper online.
They are a family-run two-store chain where I used to have to wait in line for service. No more, the store is pretty much deserted as film has disappeared and people discovered they could order good quality prints online, or simply upload digital files to a website where grandma and grandpa could log on and see the kids anytime they wanted.
That was about 60% of their profit.
Then, when web sites made it possible to compare prices online and postage-free, tax-free delivery was available from anywhere, the rest of their profits started to melt away.
My local store never bothered to put up a website that was anything more than a place saver. There was no on-line store to buy anything. There was no listing of products beyond general terms, there was no buying advice about how to choose the best digital camera and there was no online marketing to make sure that even their most loyal customers knew they were still around.
In short they just seemed to stick their head in the sand and hope it was just a poor economy and that business would come back. The store manager says they are working on all those things, but I’m afraid it may already be too late and my main street will have a vacant store front and just a bit less traffic.
The tragedy is, it could have been avoided with a little effort put into leveraging the expertise and good will they had built up over 20 years of business. There are numerous example of small local businesses who have able to survive in the digital age but unfortunately there are many more who simply become case studies of how not to compete.
An Answer When You Need It
February 1, 2011
You can’t scan many blogs before you find a rant from someone who had to deal with a customer service ‘telephone tree’ and came away much worse for the experience.
I’ve done it in this space and have read many others. So, I thought it would be appropriate to give credit where credit is due and offer a compliment when things went right.
I had a question for my local bank, about a form they sent. So I dialed the customer service number listed and was pleasantly surprised to hear a real person answer. I asked my question she gave me an answer and I hung up in stunned silence.
Maybe businesses are starting to get the message.
Wikileaks and Coaching
December 9, 2010
I think one of the qualities that a coach brings to clients is the ability to see an issue from different perspectives. I was thinking about that as I read the continuing saga of Wikileaks.
What you think about the actions of Wikileaks leader Julian Assange depends on your perspective
Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of state, says the release of the confidential cables from State Department files, puts people in danger and harms the nation’s diplomatic efforts.
Many journalists see the release of the State Department cables as a freedom of speech issue, adding that Mrs. Clinton is just trying to deflect attention from the security of the State Department computer system.
Other journalists say it harms their work because the leaks have reduced the trust they built up with national security sources.
Many diplomats, worried about the security of their communication system, say it will make their memos less honest because they fear the information may become public.
World leaders are also split, depending on how they are pictured. Most of the descriptions are not flattering particularly when it comes to the personal peccadilloes portrayed.
Arab leaders, particularly in Saudi Arabia, are embarrassed because they are seen ‘begging’ the United States to do things they can’t admit they want done. (like attacking Iran’s nuclear facilities.)
Iran thinks the memos, all 250,000 pages, are just fabrications.
Many pundits, both in the US and out, say most of the information wasn’t that valuable but at least the papers show that the United States does know what’s really going on it the world, an that’s probably a good thing.
So, is there a ‘coach-able moment’ here? I guess, next time you have a decision to make, be sure to consider as many perspectives as you can. The real truth depends on your perspective.
Tough Time for Job Hunters
December 6, 2010
If you’re looking for a job, December is a tough month. If you are among the 9.8% of the workforce counted as unemployed or the 17% that is under-employed you can’t help but be a bit depressed by the thought of trying to stretch what income you have, to buy presents.
If you’ve been out of work for a while, you now have to worry about losing unemployment benefits. (although it appears Washington politicians have worked out a compromise today) It’s tough to stay optimistic about the upcoming job-hunting season.
But, now is the time to summon whatever optimism you can and start working on possible strategies. Even if you think you’ve tried every method you could think of , it’s time to start again.
It’s a good idea to at least question your underlying assumptions on a regular basis. Basics such as career fields, location, pay level, or training should all be re-assessed regularly.
A few suggestions might be in order.
Try not to use the New Year as an excuse to wait a few more weeks. Traditionally few companies do much hiring around the holidays. It used to be that they didn’t do many layoffs either, but the pressure for quarterly results has ended that and the public relations disaster of being the Grinch who stole Christmas doesn’t seem to worry most companies. As a result, there’s a lot more movement this time of year.
Also, if you call now and the hiring administrator puts you off until January, that’s one step closer than calling in January and getting put off until February.
This is the time of year when most firms are doing their planning for the year ahead so they will know about possible openings.
Except for retail, things can be pretty slow for many businesses. Yes, that can lead to some “out of office’ replies on emails, but it can also give employers more time to get to know you.
While holiday parties and get-togethers can be uncomfortable when everyone asks what you’re doing, force yourself to go. It’s just networking with eggnog. Try not to turn down invitations because you’re embarrassed, you need to be out in public so people know you’re still looking.
I’ll repeat what you already know – 75% of jobs are not filled through the formal application process and more than half of the jobs are never advertised. Taking advantage of your network contacts can help you get an introduction, find out about a job or even meet someone who does the hiring. You never know what ‘friend of a friend’ might be helpful.
If you haven’t already, learn how to use online networking. It doesn’t cost anything to join Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn or any of the hundreds of other social media sites. Learn how to find school classmates and old friends. And find out how to use groups to broaden your list of contacts.
Don’t be bashful about telling people you are looking. How else will they find out. Your profile is your resume.
Finally participate in online forums in your field and consider starting your own blog so that potential employers can get to know you better. But don’t just ramble on about current events, comment on issues in your field. Avoid politics at all costs.
It’s tough to sugarcoat job hunting, and it’s tough to be optimistic, but you have to remind yourself that your attitude comes through to everyone you meet, so you’re better of believing that your new job is just around the corner.
What to Wear
The Boston Globe had a nice photo feature recently on what to wear to an interview.
The only thing I would add is the reminder that 85% of communication is non-verbal and clothes are definitely a key.
And secondly, you have to remember where you are interviewing, but even in Silicon Valley, where businesses casual is sometimes taken to a whole new level, it’s better to be over-dressed than the alternative.
That being said, I have to admit that the wrong clothes or hair style is not always a disaster. I can remember interviewing a candidate whose wardrobe and physical appearance raised more a few eyebrows as she walked through the newsroom to my office. Her resume looked great and once we started talking she clearly knew new her stuff. She was personable, knowledgeable, friendly, inquisitive and understood the news.
I considered the rather conservative environment of my newsroom and hired her on the spot. I thought a little disruption might be good. turned out I was right. She did a fine job.
But being unconventional often means you have to work extra hard in other areas to get your message across. You may not always be successful.
Take a look at the photos on the Globe website, some of which are over-dramatized to make a point, and take a look at what you wore to your last interview. If there’s any similarity – you might want to make a change.
Career Night Success
November 16, 2010
Thanks to everyone who stopped by the Kensington Career night.
We had a nice group of area residents all anxious to hear how they could improve their resumes and broaden the chances of finding a job.
Recruiter Mary Pueringer and I spent almost 3 hours reviewing career options, job hunting techniques, and resume details.
We hope to have another event in January when the job hunting season is in full swing.
Thanks to everyone for making our first career night a success.
Free Career Advice
November 14, 2010
Business Ethics 101-Case Studies
October 18, 2010
Ethical business decisions come in all forms. Here are two that I came across. Your comments are welcome.
A client wanted to explain why she was l00king for a new job so she related this story from her most recent position. She was not my client at the time.
She’s an HR specialist with over 25 years of experience. She had decided to explore other options, as they say, and had applied for a number of positions in her field. She got an interview for a senior position at a firm about 300 miles away. Close enough to drive for an interview but certainly requiring relocation if she got an offer.
She went to the interview and a few weeks later got a call from her would-be manager with a job offer. They negotiated the usual, pay, moving expenses (none) etc. and she decided to uproot and take the job although there was a 6-month probationary period.
Five months later she was laid off when the woman who was apparently out on maternity leave decided to return to her old job. Still on probation she was an at-will employee and had little recourse, but throughout the interview process no one ever mentioned the employee on maternity leave, and while she was working, she was never led to believe she was not doing a good job.
In hindsight she notes that she should have realized that getting an offer just two weeks after the interview was too good to be true – especially in HR. But apparently the firm was so desperate o fill the job they didn’t feel any ethical need to say that the job might be temporary. Probably because no one would have taken the gig.
I find the company’s action reprehensible, even if there had been no relocation involved.
OK, second example. Met a man who is responsible for finding new locations for a major retailer. As part of the job he negotiates ‘tax incentives’ that states offer to lure businesses. His firm is a multi-billion dollar firm which is often a destination site and also offers on-line purchasing.
As a requirement to get a new location he asks states to forgo the sales tax on internet purchases. For those of you unfamiliar with the law, in most cases you don’t have to collect tax if their is no retail site in the state. But once a brick-and-mortar store is built, you are supposed to pay the local sales tax if there is any.
He admits that he is asking the states to ‘look the other way,’ and allow his firm to have their cake and eat it. As he noted, “There will never be one of these stores in California, because they won’t agree. It’s their loss there are plenty of other states who think the agreement is fine.”
My response, “Go back to any of those states who signed agreements to forgive the tax requirement a few years ago and see if they wish they wish had said no.” I think they may be regretting their decision.
Again, is it unethical to make the request, or is the ethics question just an issue for the state?
I know, the state is lured by the promise of jobs and a retail center that may attract others, but with internet sales increasing faster than in-store purchases says you have wonder if it’s a deal with the devil.
Your comments are welcome.
Corporate Rudeness
October 14, 2010
A recent business forum I follow was focusing on rudeness in the workplace and how to create a better corporate culture. One participant suggested that HR professionals needed to introduce courses to teach employees how to behave.
The issues this brings up are numerous, but I will leave some of them for future posts. For now, I would suggest that if you did not learn how to treat others – friends or co-workers – when you were growing up, taking a course now is not going to help. It’s like teaching business ethics to MBA students: it’s already too late.
Rudeness and it’s related activities are part of any business’s corporate culture. That culture is created at the top. If the chief executive allows it in the executive suite, it will be tolerated in every corner of the business.
If the CEO creates an environment based on civility his or her managers will run their departments the same way.
Examples are numerous but even this week the impact is clear. When the Chicago Tribune suspends an executive for sending an improper email just days after the New York times featured a lengthy report on the ‘bankrupt’ corporate culture at the newspaper the connection is obvious.
Unfortunately, chief executives often fail to see the connection and will ask a coach, or management consultant to come in and ‘fix’ the problem. I’m more than happy to take the corporate money, but unless the ‘fix’ starts at the top, anything I do will only be temporary.
Next: Corporate culture and productivity
What Does a Coach Do?
October 7, 2010
I met a potential new client today. He wasn’t looking for a career coach and I wasn’t exactly looking for him but our paths crossed and he asked what I did for a living. I told him I was a coach.
I should point out that ‘Nelson’ is a recent college graduate with a degree in criminal justice and was working at the kind of first job everyone gets. No relation to the field he wanted and no prospects for advancement. Naturally, he hated it.
I asked what he wanted to do and he rattled off a few possibilities but admitted he didn’t really know. At one time his goal was law school but he did poorly on the LSAT (twice) and didn’t have any money to take it again, so he figured that wasn’t meant to be.
“So,” he said, “you don’t like, coach football? That’s the only kind of coach I know, but you don’t look like that kind of coach.” I had to laugh – if you’ve seen me you’re already laughing too – but I explained that I help people make decisions.
I tried to use an example he could identify with. “If you go home tonight and tell your dad you want quit, he’s gonna have 12 reasons why you shouldn’t and why your ideas about what you could do won’t work – probably because they didn’t work for him,” I told him.
But if you tell me, a coach, I don’t offer an opinion, I just help you go through what it would take to get you to the goal you want. It’s up to you to decide what’s right, and any decision you make is the right one as long as you understand what it means.
He smiled, like he had already had the conc0versation I described. and offered a few more ideas about what he might want to do, including a small business idea, getting an MBA and three or four other possibilities.
After 45 minutes we had taken cursory look at most of them and he said he had to leave but added, “That’s the first time I ever had a conversation like that with anyone, that was great.”
“So.” I said, “Now you know what a coach does.”
“Yeah,” he said taking a bunch of my business cards, “But when I call, I know I’m gonna have to pay you right?”
Maybe he doesn’t need that business degree.