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What to Wear

December 6, 2010

Filed under: Coaching,Management,observations — Tags: , , , , , — admin @ 8:11 am

The Boston Globe had a nice photo feature recently on what to wear to an interview.

The only thing I would add is the reminder that 85% of communication is non-verbal and clothes are definitely a key.

And secondly, you have to remember where you are interviewing, but even in Silicon Valley, where businesses casual is sometimes taken to a whole new level, it’s better to be over-dressed than the alternative.

That being said, I have to admit that the wrong clothes or hair style is not always a disaster. I can remember interviewing a candidate whose wardrobe and physical appearance raised more a few eyebrows as she walked through the newsroom to my office. Her resume looked great and once we started talking she clearly knew new her stuff. She was personable, knowledgeable, friendly, inquisitive and understood the news.

I considered the rather conservative environment of my newsroom and hired her on the spot. I thought a little disruption might be good. turned out I was right. She did a fine job.

But being unconventional often means you have to work extra hard in other areas to get your message across. You may not always be successful.

Take a look at the photos on the Globe website, some of which are over-dramatized to make a point, and take a look at what you wore to your last interview. If there’s any similarity – you might want to make a change.

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Career Night Success

November 16, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , — admin @ 9:39 pm

Thanks to everyone who stopped by the Kensington Career night.

We had a nice group of area residents all anxious to hear how they could improve their resumes and broaden the chances of finding a job.

Recruiter Mary Pueringer and I spent almost 3 hours reviewing career options, job hunting techniques, and resume details.

We hope to have another event in January when the job hunting season is in full swing.

Thanks to everyone for making our first career night a success.

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Free Career Advice

November 14, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , — admin @ 8:32 am

Last days to register for this Tuesday’s free career workshop in Kensington, CA.

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Business Ethics 101-Case Studies

October 18, 2010

Filed under: Coaching,Management,observations — Tags: , , , , , — admin @ 1:11 pm

Ethical business decisions come in all forms. Here are two that I came across. Your comments are welcome.

A client wanted to explain why she was l00king for a new job so she related this story from her most recent position. She was not my client at the time.

She’s an HR specialist with over 25 years of experience. She had decided to explore other options, as they say, and had applied for a number of positions in her field. She got an interview for a senior position at a firm about 300 miles away. Close enough to drive for an interview but certainly requiring relocation if she got an offer.

She went to the interview and a few weeks later got a call from her would-be manager with a job offer. They negotiated the usual, pay, moving expenses (none) etc. and she decided to uproot and take the job although there was a 6-month probationary period.

Five  months later she was laid off when the woman who was apparently out on maternity leave decided to return to her old job. Still on probation she was an at-will employee and had little recourse, but throughout the interview process no one ever mentioned the employee on maternity leave, and while she was working, she was never led to believe she was not doing a good job.

In hindsight she notes that she should have realized that getting an offer just two weeks after the interview was too good to be true – especially in HR. But apparently the firm was so desperate o fill the job they didn’t feel any ethical need to say that the job might be temporary. Probably because no one would have taken the gig.

I find the company’s action reprehensible, even if there had been no relocation involved.

OK, second example. Met a man who is responsible for finding new locations for a major retailer. As part of the job he negotiates ‘tax incentives’ that states offer to lure businesses. His firm is a multi-billion dollar firm which is often a destination site and also offers on-line purchasing.

As a requirement to get a new location he asks states to forgo the sales tax on internet purchases. For those of you unfamiliar with the law, in most cases you don’t have to collect tax if their is no retail site in the state. But once a brick-and-mortar store is built, you are supposed to pay the local  sales tax if there is any.

He admits that he is asking the states to ‘look the other way,’ and allow his firm to have their cake and eat it. As he noted, “There will never be one of these stores in California, because they won’t agree. It’s their loss there are plenty of other states who think the agreement is fine.”

My response, “Go back to any of those states who signed agreements  to forgive the tax requirement a few years ago and see if they wish they wish had said no.” I think they may be regretting their decision.

Again, is it unethical to make the request, or is the ethics question just an issue for the state?

I know, the state is lured by the promise of jobs and a retail center that may attract others, but with internet sales increasing faster than in-store purchases says you have wonder if it’s a deal with the devil.

Your comments are welcome.

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Corporate Rudeness

October 14, 2010

Filed under: Coaching,Management — Tags: , , , , — admin @ 9:33 pm

A recent business forum I follow was focusing on rudeness in the workplace and how to create a better corporate culture. One participant suggested that HR professionals needed to introduce courses to teach employees how to behave.

The issues this brings up are numerous, but I will leave some of them for future posts. For now, I would suggest that if you did not learn how to treat others – friends or co-workers – when you were growing up, taking a course now is not going to help. It’s like teaching business ethics to MBA students: it’s already too late.

Rudeness and it’s related activities are part of any business’s corporate culture. That culture is created at the top. If the chief executive allows  it in the executive suite, it will be tolerated in every corner of the business.

If the CEO creates an environment based on civility his or her managers will run their departments the same way.

Examples are numerous but even this week the impact is clear. When the Chicago Tribune suspends an executive for sending an improper email just days after the New York times featured a lengthy report on the ‘bankrupt’ corporate culture at the newspaper the connection is obvious.

Unfortunately, chief executives often fail to see the connection and will ask a coach, or management consultant to come in and ‘fix’ the problem. I’m more than happy to take the corporate money, but unless the ‘fix’ starts at the top, anything I do will only be temporary.

Next: Corporate culture and productivity

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What Does a Coach Do?

October 7, 2010

Filed under: Coaching,Management,observations — Tags: , , , , — admin @ 7:46 am

I met  a potential new client today. He wasn’t looking for a career coach and I wasn’t exactly looking for him but our paths crossed and he asked what I did for a living. I told him I was a coach.

I should point out that ‘Nelson’ is a recent college graduate with a degree in criminal justice and was working at the kind of first job everyone gets. No relation to the field he wanted and no prospects for advancement. Naturally, he hated it.

I asked what he wanted to do and he rattled off a few possibilities but admitted he didn’t really know. At one time his goal was law school but he did poorly on the LSAT  (twice) and didn’t have any money to take it again, so he figured that wasn’t meant to be.

“So,” he said, “you don’t like, coach football? That’s the only kind of coach I know, but you don’t look like that kind of coach.” I had to laugh – if you’ve seen me you’re already laughing too – but I explained that I help people make decisions.

I tried to use an example he could identify with. “If you go home tonight and tell your dad you want quit, he’s gonna have 12 reasons why you shouldn’t and why your ideas about what you could do won’t work – probably because they didn’t work for him,” I told him.

But if you tell me,  a coach, I don’t offer an opinion, I just help you go through what it would take to get you to the goal you want. It’s up to you to decide what’s right, and any decision you make is the right one as long as you understand what it means.

He smiled, like he had already had the  conc0versation I described. and offered a few more ideas about what he might want to do, including a small business idea, getting an MBA and three or four other possibilities.

After 45 minutes we had taken cursory look at most of them and he said he had to leave but added, “That’s the first time I ever had a conversation like that with anyone, that was great.”

“So.” I said, “Now you know what a coach does.”

“Yeah,” he said taking a bunch of my business cards, “But when I call, I know I’m gonna have to pay you right?”

Maybe he doesn’t need that business degree.

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The Perfect Resume

October 6, 2010

Filed under: Coaching,Management — Tags: , , , , — admin @ 7:21 am

I have yet to see the perfect resume. I’ve helped a lot of folks write resumes and they are all ‘right’ when we’re finished but I’m not sure I would call any of them perfect.

The purpose of a resume is to get an interview. The purpose of the interview is to get a job offer and then you can start negotiating for the actual position. This progression is easy to write and most people understand the words but few understand what they mean.

People seem to think that the resume has to a multi-page treatise on their life. Rather than a document that explains the unique experiences and skills that make you the right candidate for the job opening.

Organizing your resume chronologically by position makes the reader search for items that suggest whether you can perform the functions of the job that’s open. It’s your job to connect the experiences to specific skills and relate them to the job you want.

Even if you have relatively few work experiences – as a recent college graduate, or an older worker re-entering the job market – you have skills that you have learned. They may be from part-time summer jobs, or from volunteer positions at a local community group but they are skills.

When I put together my first resume – typing and retyping – on my trusty Underwood (or later a Smith-Corona), creating a separate resume for each job was a difficult proposition – especially for a two-finger typist. But now with ‘copy and paste’ on my Mac, crafting a resume with specific skills and listing relevant jobs is easy.

Believe me, if you don’t take the time to customize you’re already behind the competition and might wind up  in the circular file. Remember, anyone looking at resumes in this environment, is just looking for ways to edit the pile, so anything can be an excuse to put you out of the running.

Graphically it should be easy to read and the layout should emphasize the message. It’s not an exercise to show the HR folks how many typefaces you can use. If the experience you have that’s relevant to the position does not include a specific job, you can either leave it out or relegate it to a single line.

You can always add details during the interview.

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We Need the Sounds of Silence

October 1, 2010

Filed under: Coaching,Management,observations,Tech — Tags: , , , , , — admin @ 7:55 am

I always been a walker/hiker. No big deal, I like to walk in Hawaii, in Yosemite, around my own neighborhood, wherever… it’s a good way to meet people and see what’s going on. Just observing the world and listening to nature.

Since MP3 players, primarily iPods and their kin, became popular there seem to be a lot more folks walking around listening to music. I have no objection to music  but it seems to me. if you’re hiking, or even jogging in a beautiful natural setting, listening to the birds would be pretty good music.

Not to mention how those little earbuds close you off to the world. They prevent even a pleasant ‘hello’ or ‘good morning.’ Maybe that’s the intention but chance encounters make life more interesting.

This week I finally found someone who agrees with me. Please listen, he knows what he’s talking about. He must, he’s speaking at a TED Talk.

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Defining the Orwellian Generation Gap

September 28, 2010

Filed under: observations,Tech — Tags: , , , , , , — admin @ 7:02 am

I was recently in New York City to meet with a new client and unexpectedly got some new insights into the generation gap.

I was having lunch at a small SoHo restaurant where the tables are so close you can’t help but hear the discussion next to you. I listened for almost 20 minutes while 4, 30-something managers talked about marketing, social networking demographics, and user information to keep in touch with young customers and create an online community. I knew the terms but this was the first time I heard them used in polite conversation.

This was my first clue that there was a generation gap between our tables.

Finally I couldn’t help it, I excused myself for listening but asked if the group was at all concerned about privacy, noting the recent Verizon television ad which shows everyday objects morphing into antennas for the ‘always connected’ generation. I told them I found it creepy and didn’t ever want to be that ‘in touch.’

Their unanimous response – privacy is always part of the conversation but the younger generation thinks always being connected is the way things should be. They want everyone to know where they are and what they are doing all the  time. As one young woman said, “our generation doesn’t want that, but the young people do.”

I thought I was talking to young people, but they were describing their generation gap.

I was worrying about George Orwell’s predictions and they were worried their company would be left behind because it wasn’t Orwellian enough.

I’m not sure what all this means. I thought i was pretty up to date with my Twitter  account (eariess), blog, LinkedIn page, and text messaging but I guess the faster I go the further behind I get.

I do take some solace from the text messages I get from my 90-year-old father. I hope if I make it to his age I’ll at least be  in touch with whatever the current generation is doing.

In case you’re wondering what I’m talking about you can find details at this Wall Street Journal Article.

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Test Your ‘Face Reading’ Skills

For many folks, emotional intelligence equates to empathy. In reality it is much more. But empathy is an important component. And part of empathy is the ability to ‘read’ the expressions of others.

Neuro-scientists tell us that we have specific neurons which allow us to look at someone and understand what they are feelings. Peop0le who can do this well, according to the scientists, have more of these neural endings and are more empathetic.

Perhaps the most interesting part of the research is that it is cross cultural. In other words, regardless of your ethnic background, the emotions displayed by the human face are the same in say, the United States, Japan, China, or the Middle East. Happiness, for example, has a universal set of facial characteristics.

If you want to test your skill the Center for Greater Good at University of California at Berkeley, has put out a new little quiz. Take a minute or two and see how you do. Then drop me a note and tell me if you think it was accurate. But remember, another component of Emotional Intelligence is self awareness – the ability to look at yourself objectively.

As the center says, you can improve your score over time with practice. Your ability to read the faces of others can come in handy in any situation where you deal with another human being. Which is just about all day, every day.

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